ITCDF Recipients 2004 to 2005

Dept PI Project Title
A&S Biology/Zoology Corey Goldman Interactive On-Line Exercise on ANIMAL DIVERSITY for Life Science Students
A&S Computer Science Greg Wilson Software Carpentry: Practical Software Development for Scientists and Engineers
A&S Computer Science Karen Reid/Greg Wilson Lightweight Groupware to Support Collaborative Undergraduate Programming Projects
A&S French Daniele Issa Sayegh Geeta Paray-Clarke Cross-cultural Approach to Teaching French as a Second Language
A&S French & Spanish & Portuguese Jeffrey Steele, Laura Colantoni Development of a PHONETIC DATABASE for Romance Linguistics Courses
A&S Geography Andre Sorenson, Paul Hess, Byron Moldofsky, Larry Bourne Greater Toronto Area Planning Game – Interactive Mapping Web Site
AL&D John Danahy, Ted Kesik… 3-D Object & Site Courseware Repository
APSC 2 William Cleghorn Teaching Mechanics of Machines in a Web-based Environment
FOM Medicine Stephen Lapinsky Critical care literature updates delivered by handheld computers
FOM Radiation Oncology Gabrielle Kane Grasping 3 dimensional concepts in a 2 dimensional world
FOM Urology Pippi Salle Interactive multi-media CD-Rom for teaching operative pediatric urology
Nursing Mary van Soeren, Sandra Devlin Enhancing Nurse Practitioner Clinical Education with Technology
OISE/UT Carol Calder Using On-line Library Resources
UTM – Biology Danton O’Day Enhance Pedagogical & Marketability of Human Development (BIO 380)
UTM – French, German and Italian Salvatore Bancheri Study Maker 2 – Phase 2
UTSC – Anthropology, Dept of Social Sciences Larry Sawchuk Outbreak: Exploring Diseases in Virtual Communities, Version 4
UTSC – Psychology, Dept of Life Sciences Steve Joordens The Reading, Thinking & Communicating Portal