ITIF Recipients 2018

Projects funded in the 2018 round of the ITIF:

We are pleased to announce the 2018 Recipients of ITIF Awards. As in previous years, we have a variety of different  project ideas from around the University:

Podcast on Quality Improvement and Leadership

Certina Ho, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy

Podcasts have grown rapidly as a platform for providing engaging and entertaining educational content to learners and professionals. The Toronto Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy (LDFP) Podcast series will serve as a tool to supplement and complement traditional lecture-based learning on Quality Improvement and Leadership. 

Using Virtual Reality to Promote Empathy and Learning in Nursing Students

Heather Thomson, Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing

 This project involves the development of virtual reality videos supplemented by patient interviews. The aim is to help nursing students understand the patient’s experience while receiving care. The ability to understand the patient’s experience is linked to improved performance and patient outcomes. (Hojat et al., 2007; Kelm et al., 2014).

Re-imagining Remediation in Nursing Undergraduate Education: Using Serious Gaming and Virtual Patients to Promote the Development of Clinical Reasoning Skills

Jordana McMurray, Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing

This project is intended to enhance remediation programming for nursing undergraduate students. Interactive game-based modules including embedded video clips of virtual patients will be created. These games will provide students an opportunity to practice clinical reasoning skills through prioritizing assessments, identifying goals for patient care and selecting appropriate interventions.

‘Learning whenever and wherever’: Mobile app-based online peer-assisted learning and immersive 360-degree videos to enhance experiential education.

Frank Fan, Maria Zhang, Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy

Online peer-assisted learning can vastly enrich experiential education of health care professional trainees. Rather than learning from one preceptor, or at one site, pharmacy students will be able to connect with over 200 of their peers working in over 100 sites across Canada, using a combination of innovative and emerging technologies. These platforms will enhance timely student feedback, and build clinicians sensitive to diverse social determinants of health.

Enhancing geoscience education and outreach experience with Raspberry Shake

Semechah K. Y. Lui, Chemical and Physical Sciences

Seismic signals contain a wealth of information about activities inside the Earth as well as the environment around us. This pilot project will build a real-time seismic monitoring system at UTM, which will be an important ingredient for Earth Science program curriculum design, community outreach and undergraduate student research.

Tactile Response Experimental Analysis Toolkit (TREAT)

Sohee Kang, Computer and Mathematical Sciences

Students learning statistics are more motivated and learn better if the data they are analyzing is relevant and real. We propose to develop a mobile application to facilitate simple timing and response experiments, that will also provide real world data for analysis by statistics students. 

Machine Learning Assisted Concept Mapping in courses

William Ju, Human Biology

A machine learning platform will be used to support students in a 3rd year undergraduate biology (HMB322) course. This is relevant as the pre-requisites are diverse and students do not have the same level of background knowledge nor experience. Machine learning will help students create their own concepts maps. These maps can be shared with peers and rapidly identify background topics that are unclear for students. This will improve both the student experience & provide real-time curriculum data

Livestreaming: Artistic and professional explorations of a digital media challenge

Antje Budde, Centre for Drama, Theatre and Performance Studies

This new course explores both critical discourses but also practices of live stream performance, internet theatre documentation and job interview situations. The target audience are senior undergraduate students and MA students graduating soon and will be faced with particular challenges.

Helping Instructors Generate and Enhance Explanations in Online Quizzes by Crowdsourcing from Students

Joseph Williams, Computer Science

This project involves the creation of an app that plugs into Quercus which augments online quiz problems by continually improving explanations for right and wrong answers. Our app prompts students to write explanations (crowdsourcing), having instructors review (and write their own) explanations, and using machine learning to identify highly rated explanations.

Education in International Perspective: Piloting Courses for Enhanced Accessibility and Internationalization

Karen Mundy, OISE – Leadership Adult and Higher Education

OISE’s new academic plan calls for deepened efforts in internationalization and online learning. This project supports an experimental redesign of two existing core courses in OISE’s Comparative and International Development Education Collaborative Specializing. It will also support the design of a third course (to be determined) in Year 2 of the project.

Exploring Problem-based Learning Methods for Understanding VR in Communication, Culture, and Digital Media Studies.

Michael Nixon, The Institute of Communication, Culture, Information and Technology (ICCIT)

This project is about investigating best practices in training ICCIT students to understand VR experiences and to code VR apps.